Cream of the Crop 1
Cream of the Crop 1.iso
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stopped (cakar; to shut up, to stop) /
8:2 the windows of heaven were s' /
strength (kowach; to be firm, power, strength) /
4:12 not henceforth yield unto thee her s' /
strive (duwn; to rule, judge, contend, strive) /
6:3 My Spirit shall not s' with man /
subdue (kabash; to tread down, to conquer, to subjugate, subdue) /
1:28 replenish the earth and s' it /
substance (yquwm; living thing, substance) /
7:4 living s' that I have made 7:23 every living s' was destroyed /
subtil (aruwm; cunning, crafty, subtil) /
3:1 the serpent was more s' than /
summer (qayits; harvest, summer) /
8:22 cold and heat, s' and winter /
sweat (zeah; perspiration, sweat) /
3:19 In the s' of thy face shalt thou /
sweet (niychoach; pleasure, sweet) /
8:21 the Lord smelled a s' savour /
sword (chereb; drought, a cutting instrument, knife, sword) /
3:24 a flaming s' which turned 34:25 brethren, took each man his s' /
27:40 And by thy s' shalt thou live 34:26 son with the edge of the s' /
31:26 as captives taken with the s' 48:22 hand of the Amorite with my s' /
take (laqach; to accept, receive, take) /
3:22 t' also of the tree of life 7:2 clean beast thou shalt t' to /
6:21 t' thou unto thee of all food /
talked (amar; to say, speak, talk) /
4:8 And Cain t' with Abel his brother /
Tarshish (tsadowq; just) /
10:4 sons of Javan; Elishah, and T' /
ten (asarah; ten) /
5:14 were nine hundred and t' years /
tent, tents (ohel; covering, home, tabernacle, tent) /
4:20 father of such as dwell in t' 9:27 shall dwell in the t' of Shem /
9:21 he was uncovered within his t' /
Terah (terach; ) /
11:24 and twenty years, and begat T' 11:28 Haran died before his father T' /
11:25 Nahor lived after he begat T' 11:31 T' took Abram his son, and Lot /
11:26 T' lived seventy years, and 11:32 days of T' were two hundred and /
11:27 these are the generations of T' 11:32 five years; and T' died in /
11:27 T' begat Abram, Nahor, and /
themselves (hemmah; they, themselves) /
3:7 together, and made t' aprons 3:8 hid t' from the presence of the /
these (elleh; these, those) /
2:4, 6:9, 10:1, 11:10, 11:27, t' are the generations /
9:19 T' are the three sons of Noah 10:29 all t' were the sons of Joktan /
10:5 By t' were the isles of the Gentiles divided /
10:20, 10:31, t' are the sons 10:32 T' are the families of the sons /
10:32 by t' were the nations divided /
third (shliyshiy; third) /
1:13 the morning was the t' day 6:16 and t' stories shalt thou make /
2:14 name of the t' river is Hiddekel /
thirty (shloshiym; thirty) /
5:3 Adam lived an hundred and t' 11:16 And Eber lived four and t' years/
5:5 were nine hundred and t' years 11:17 Peleg four hundred and t' years /
5:16 Jared eight hundred and t' 11:18 And Peleg lived t' year and /
6:15 and the height of it t' cubits 11:20 And Reu lived two and t' years /
11:12 Aphraxad lived five and t' 11:22 And Serug lived t' years, and /
11:14 And Salah lived t' years, and /
this (zoth, zeh; this, that, these) /
2:23 T' is now bones of my bones 5:29 T' same shall comfort us /
3:13 What is t' that thou hast done 6:15 t' is the fashion which thou /
3:14 Because thou hast done t' 7:1 before me in t' generation /
4:14 hast driven me out t' day 9:12 T' is the token of the covenant /
5:1 T' is the book of the generat- /
thistles (dadar; thorn, thistle) /
3:18 and t' shall it bring forth to /
thorns (qots; a thorn in the sense of pricking) /
3:18 T' also and thistles shall it /
thoughts (machashebeth; a contrivance, intention, imagination, thoughts) /
6:5 the t' of his heart was only evil /
three (shloshah; three) /
5:22 Methuselah t' hundred years 9:19 These are the t' sons of Noah /
5:23 Enoch was t' hundred sixty and 9:28 after the flood t' hundred and /
6:10 Noah begat t' sons, Shem, Ham 11:13 Salah four hundred and t' years /
6:15 ark shall be t' hundred cubits 11:15 Eber four hundred and t' years /
7:13 the t' wives of his sons with /
till, tiller, tillest (abad; serve, labour, till) /
2:5 was not a man to t' the ground 4:2 but Cain was a t' of the ground /
3:23 to t' the ground from whence 4:12 When thou t' the ground, it /
time (yowm; to be hot, day, age, time) /
4:3 And in the process of t' it came to pass, /
Tiras (tiyrya; fearful) /
10:2 and Tubal, and Meshech, and T' /
Togarmah (togarmah; ) /
10:3 Ashkenaz, and Riphath, and T' /
token (owth; a signal, sign, omen, mark, token) /
9:12 This is the t' of the covenant 9:17 This is the t' of the covenant /
9:13 t' of a covenant between me and 17:11 t' of the covenant betwixt me /
told (nagad; to front, to manifest, to explain, tell) /
3:11 Who t' thee that thou wast 9:22 and t' his two brethren with- /
tongue, tongues (lahonah; the tongue, speech) /
10:5 every one after his t', after 10:30,31 families, after their t' /
took (laqach; to take, receive, carry away) /
2:15 And the Lord God t' the man 8:9 put forth his hand, and t' her /
2:21 and he t' one of his ribs, 8:20 t' of every clean beast, /
3:6 she t' of the fruit therof, 9:23 Shem and Japheth t' a garment /
4:19 Lamech t' unto him two wives 11:29 Abram and Nahor t' them wives /
5:24 he was not; for God t' him. 11:31 Terah t' Abram his son, and Lot /
6:2 they t' them wives of all which /
top, tops (rosh; to shake, the head, chief, top) /
11:4 whose t' may reach unto heaven; 28:12 the t' of it reached to heaven; /
8:5 were the t' of the mountains 28:18 and poured oil upon t' of it /
touch (naga; lay the hand upon, touch, smite, strike) /
3:3 neither shall ye t' it, lest 20:6 suffered I thee not to t' her /
tower (migdalah; castle, tower) /
11:4 let us build a city and a t' 35:21 his tent beyond the t' of Edar /
11:5 down to see the city and the t' /
tree, trees (ets; tree, wood, timber) /
1:11 the fruit t' yielding fruit 3:6 a t' to be desired to make one /
1:12 t' yielding fruit, whose seed 3:8 God amongst the t' of the /
1:29 of all the earth, and every t' 3:11 Hast thou eaten of the t', /
1:29 the fruit of the t' yielding 3:12 she gave me of the t', and I /
2:9 grow every t' that is pleasant 3:17 and hast eaten of the t', of /
2:9 t' of life also in the midst 3:22 take also of the t' of life, /
2:9 t' of the knowledge of good 3:24 keep the way of the t' of life /
2:16 every t' of the garden thou 18:4 rest yourselves under the t' /
2:17 the t' of the knowledge of 18:8 he stood by them under the t' /
3:1 Ye shall not eat of every t' 23:17 all the t' that were in the /
3:3 the fruit of the t' which is 30:37 of the hazel and chestnut t' /
3:6 woman saw that the t' was good 40:19 and shall hang on a t' /
Tubal (tubal; ) /
10:2 and T', and Meshech, and Tiras. /
Tubal-cain (tuwbal qayin; offspring of Cain) /
4:22 And Zillah, she also bare T' 4:22 the sister of T' was Naamah. /
turned (haphak; to turn about) /
3:24 flaming sword which t' every way /
twelve (shttayim asar; two ten, twenty) /
5:8 nine hundred and t' years /
twentieth, twenty (esriym; twenty) /
6:3 be an hundred and t' years 11:24 Nahor lived nine and t' years /
8:14 seven and t' day of the month /
two (shttayim; two) /
1:16 And God made t' lights 6:20 t' of every sort shall come /
4:19 Lamech took unto him t' wives 7:2 beasts that are not clean by t' /
5:18 an hundred and sixty and t' 7:9 There went in t' and t' unto /
5:20 nine hundred sixty and t' years 7:15 into the ark, t' and t' of all /
5:26 seven hundred eighty and t' 9:22 and told his t' brethren with- /
5:28 and hundred eighty and t' years 10:25 unto Eber were born t' sons /
6:19 t' of every sort shalt thou 11:20 And Reu lived t' and thirty /
uncovered (galah; denude, stripped, uncovered) /
9:21 and he was u' within his tent /
under (tachath; the bottom, beneath, under) /
1:7 which was u' the firmament 6:17 breath of life, from u' heaven /
1:9 waters u' the heaven be gather- 7:19 that were u' the whole heaven /
understand (shama; to hear, discern, understand) /
11:7 may not u' one another's speech 41:15 canst u' a dream to interpret /
until (ad; as far as, while, until) /
8:5 continually u' the tenth month 8:7 u' the waters were dried up /
upward (maal; the upper part, above, upward) /
7:20 Fifteen cubits u' did the waters /
vagabond (nuwd; to nod, waver, wonder, a vagabond) /
4:12 a v' shalt thou be in the earth 4:14 fugitive and a v' in the earth /
vengeance (naqam; to grudge, avenge, punish, revenge, vengeance) /
4:15 v' shall be taken on him seven- /
very (mod; vehemence, wholly, diligently, much, very) /
1:31 and, behold, it was v' good. 4:5 And Cain was v' wroth, and his /
vineyard (kerem; a garden, vineyard) /
9:20 husbandman, and he planted a v' /
violence (chamac; cruel, violence) /
6:11 the earth was filled with v' 6:13 earth is filled with v' through /
voice (qol; call aloud, sound, noise, voice) /
3:8 heard the v' of the Lord God 4:10 v' of thy brother's blood /
3:10 I heard thy v' in the garden 4:23 Adah, and Zillah, hear my v' /
3:17 hearkened unto the v' of thy wife /
void (bohuw, emptiness, ruin, void) /
1:2 earth was without form, and v' /
walked, walking (halak; to walk, converse with, go along with) /
3:8 Lord God w' in the garden 5:24 Enoch w' with God, and he was /
5:22 Enoch w' with God after he 6:9 and Noah w' with God. /
water ( shaqah; to irrigate, water) /
2:10 out of Eden to w' the garden /
waters (mayim; water) /
1:2 moved upon the face of the w' 7:18 went upon the face of the w' /
1:6 firmament in the midst of the w' 7:19 w' prevailed exceedingly upon /
1:6 let it divide the w' from the w' 7:20 cubits upward did the w' prevail/
1:7 divided the w' that were under 7:24 the w' prevailed upon the earth /
1:7 from the w' which were above 8:1 the earth, and the w' asswaged /
1:9 Let the w' under the heaven 8:3 w' returned from off the earth /
1:10 of the w' called he seas: 8:3 fifty days the w' were abated /
1:20 Let the w' bring forth abund- 8:5 the w' decreased continually /
1:21 the w' brough forth abundantly 8:7 until the w' were dried up /
1:22 and fill the w' in the seas, 8:8 to see if the w' were abated /
6:17 a flood of w' upon the earth 8:9 the w' were on the face of the /
7:6 flood of w' was upon the earth 8:11 knew that the w' were abated /
7:7 because of the w' of the flood 8:13 w' were dried up from off the /
7:10 the w' of the flood were upon 9:11 any more by w' of a flood /
7:17 the w' increased, and bare up 9:15 w' shall no more become a flood /
7:18 went upon the face of the w' /
way (derek; a road, a course of life, way) /
3:24 sword that turned every w' 6:12 all flesh has corrupted his w' /
3:24 to keep the w' of the tree of /
well (yatab; to make well, good, better, best) /
4:7 If thou doest w', shalt thou 4:7 if thou doest not w', sin lieth /
went (alah, yatsa, yalak, bow; to ascend, to get up, to go, to bring) /
2:6 there w' up a mist from the 8:7 raven, which w' forth to and /
2:10 a river w' out of Eden to water 8:18 Noah w' forth, and his sons, /
4:16 Cain w' out from the presence 8:19 kinds, w' forth out of the ark /
7:7 And Noah w' in, and his sons, 9:18 Noah, that w' forth of the ark /
7:9 There w' in two and two unto 9:23 and w' backward, and covered /
7:15 they w' in unto Noah into the 10:11 Out of that land w' forth /
7:16 they that w' in, w' in male 11:31 they w' forth with him from Ur /
7:18 the ark w' upon the face of /
what (meh; how, why, when, what) /
2:19 to see w' he would call them 4:10 And he said, W' hast thou done /
3:13 W' is this that thou hast done 9:24 w' his younger son had done /
whatsoever (kowl; whole, any, every, whatsoever) /
2:19 w' Adam called every living 8:19 and w' creepeth upon the earth /
where, wherein, whereof, which (asher, ay; who, which, what, where) /
1:7 the waters w' were under the 4:9 Cain, W' is Abel thy brother /
1:7 waters w' were above the 4:11 w' hath opened her mouth /
1:21 w' the waters brought forth 5:29 ground w' the Lord hath cursed /
1:29 w' is upon the face of all the 6:2 wives of all w' they chose /
1:29 in the w' is the fruit of a 6:4 mighty men w' were of old /
1:30 w' there is life, I have given 6:15 w' thou shalt make of it /
2:2 ended his work w' he had made 6:17 w' is the breath of life, /
2:2 all his work w' he had made 7:15 of all flesh, w' is the breath /
2:3 all his work w' God created 7:23 w' was upon the face of the /
2:11 of Havilah, w' there is gold 8:6 of the ark w' he had made /
2:11 w' compasseth the whole land 8:7 a raven, w' went forth to and /
2:14 it w' goeth toward the east 8:12 w' returned not again unto him /
2:22 w' the Lord God had taken 9:4 thereof, w' is the blood thereof/
3:1 w' the Lord god had made 9:12 covenant w' I make between me /
3:9 and said unto him. W' art thou? 9:15 covenant, w' is between me and /
3:11 w' I commanded thee that thou 9:17 covenant, w' I have established /
3:17 tree. of w' I commanded thee 11:5 w' the children of me builded /
3:24 sword w' turned every way 11:6 w' they had imagined to do /
while (od; iteration, continuance, again, sill, while) /
8:22 W' the earth remaineth seedtime /
who (miy; me, who, whoever) /
3:11 W' told thee that thou wast /
whom, whose (asher; who, which, what) /
1:11 w' seed is in itself, upon the 6:7 will destroy man w' I have /
1:12 w' seed was in itself, after 7:22 in w' nostrils was the breath /
2:8 put the man w' he had formed 10:14 (out of w' came Philistim) /
3:12 The woman w' thou gavest to be 11:4 tower, w' top may reach unto /
4:25 instead of Abel, w' Cain slew /
whoso, whosoever (kowl; whole, all, any, every, whosoever) /
4:15 W' slayeth Cain, vengeance 9:6 W' sheddeth man's blood, by /
why (meh; how, what, why) /
4:6 unto Cain, W' art thou wroth? 4:6 and w' is thy countenance fall- /
wickedness (ra; bad, evil, wickedness) /
6:5 that the w' of man was great 39:9 then can I do this great w', /
wife, wife's, wives (ishshah; woman, female, other, wife) /
2:24 and shall cleave unto his w' 6:18 and thy wife, and thy sons w' /
2:25 both naked, the man and his w' 7:7 his w', and his son's w' /
3:8 Adam and his w' hid themselves 7:13 sons of Noah, and Noah's w' /
3:17 unto the voice of thy w' 7:13 and the three w' of his sons /
3:20 And Adam called his w' name 8:16 thou and thy w', /
3:21 Adam also and to his w' did 8:16 and thy sons' w' with thee /
4:1 Adam knew Eve his w'; and she 8:18 and his sons, and his w', /
4:17 Cain knew his w'; and she 8:18 and his sons' w' with his /
4:19 Lamech took unto him two w' 11:29 Abram and Nahor took them w' /
4:23 And Lamech said unto his w' 11:29 the name of Abram's w' was /
4:23 ye w' of lamech, hearken unto 11:29 the name of Nahor's w' was /
4:25 Adam knew his w' again; and 11:31 in law, his son Abram's w' /
6:2 them w' of all which they chose /
wind (ruwach; wind, breath) /
8:1 God made a w' to pass over the /
window, windows (tsohar, challown, arubbah; light, window) /
6:16 A w' shalt thou make to the 8:2 the w' of heaven were stopped /
7:11 the w' of heaven were opened 8:6 Noah opened the w' of the ark /
wine (yayin; effervesce, intoxicating, wine) /
9:21 And he drank of the w' and was 9:24 Noah woke from his w' and knew /
winged (kanaph; edge, extremity, flap, wing) /
1:21 every w' fowl after his kind /
winter (choreph; the crop gathered, cold, winter) /
8:22 cold and heat, and summer and w' /
wise (sakal; intelligent, expert, wisdom) /
3:6 tree to be desired to make one w' /
within, without (bayith; within, without tavek, chuts; to sever, without) /
6:14 pitch it w' and w' with pitch 9:22 and told his two brethren w' /
9:21 he was uncovered w' his tent /
without (tohuw; to lie waste, without form, worthless) /
1:2 earth was w' form, and void /
woman (ishshah; woman, female, wife) /
2:22 made he a w', and brought her 3:12 The w' whom thou gavest me /
2:23 she shall be called W', because 3:13 Lord God said unto the w', what /
3:1 he said unto the w', yea, hath 3:13 w' said, The serpent beguiled /
3:2 w' said unto the serpent, We 3:15 enmity between thee and the w' /
3:4 serpent said unto the w' 3:16 Unto the w' he said, I will /
3:6 the w' saw that the tree was good /
wood (ets; tree, stick, lumber, wood) /
6:14 Make thee an ark of gopher w' /
work (mlakah; deputyship, employment, business, work) /
2:2 seventh day God ended his w' 2:3 he had rested from all his w' /
2:2 seventh day from all his w' 5:29 comfort us concerning our w' /
wroth (charah; to glow, blaze up, anger, jealousy, wroth) /
4:5 and Cain was very w', and his 34:7 and they were very w', because /
4:6 said unto Cain, Why art thou w' 40:2 Pharaoh was w' against two of /
31:36 Jacob was w', and chode with 41:10 Pharaoh was w' with his servants/
year, years (shanah; a year, age) /
122 times in Genesis /
1 time in chapter 1 /
28 times in chapter 5 /
1 time in chapter 6 /
2 times in chapter 7 /
1 time in chapter 8 /
2 times in chapter 9 /
19 times in chapter 11 /
yielding (zara; bear, seed, yield asah; to do, make, yield) /
1:11 forth grass, the herb y' seed 1:12 and the tree y' fruit /
1:11 fruit tree y' fruit after his 1:29 is the fruit of a tree y' seed /
1:12 and herb y' seed after his kind /
young (yeled; lad, offspring, young) /
4:23 and a y' man to my hurt. /
younger (qaton; diminutive, little, small, young) /
9:24 knew what his y' son had done /
youth (nurah; childhood, youth) /
8:21 man's heart is evil from his y' /
Zebiom (tsbiyim; gazelles) /
10:19 Gomorrah, and Admah, and Z' /
Zemarite (tsmariy; ) /
10:18 and the Z', and the Hamathite: /
Zillah; (tsillah; shade) /
4:19 and the name of the other Z' 4:23 unto his wives, Adah and Z' /
4:22 And Z', she also bare Tubal-cain /